4.125 avg rating 8 ratings
Tabber: johnbie
Composer: Toby Fox
Style: Fingerstyle
Instrument: Guitar
20805 views 9 years ago
Quiet Water Music by Toby Fox Arranged By John Lee H. H. Q Q Q Q E E E E E||----------------|---------------|-------0----3----|--0----2--3--5--0--| B||---0------------|--0------------|--0--------------|--0----------------| G||*--2------------|--2------------|--2--------------|--2----------------| D||*--2------------|--2------------|--2--------------|-------------------| A||----------------|---------------|-----------------|-------------------| E||----------------|---------------|-----------------|-------------------| H. Q E E E E Q Q Q Q Q Q --2------------|--L----2--3--5--7--|--3----2---------|--0--------------| --3------------|--3----------------|--0---------0----|--0----3---------| --2------------|--2----------------|--2--------------|--2---------0----| ---------------|-------------------|-----------------|-----------------| ---------------|-------------------|-----------------|-----------------| ---------------|-------------------|-----------------|-----------------| H. Q ---------------|--------|| ---------------|--------|| --2------------|-------*|| --0------------|--0----*|| --0------------|--0-----|| ---------------|--------|| Duration Legend --------------- W - whole H - half Q - quarter E - 8th S - 16th T - 32nd X - 64th . - note dotted |-n-| - n-tuplets
@UnderZelda 8 years ago
You could always +1 each note instead of using a cheater bar (capo). Ya Dingus. Other than that good job.
@johnbie 8 years ago
Replying to:
@UnderZelda You could always +1 each note instead of using a cheater bar (capo). Ya Dingus. Other than that good...
I put the capo there so that the tab stayed as true to the original as possible. I have learned a lot more about making tabs since I made this one. The capo is gone now; I plan to only use it when I really need it.
Plenty of people enjoy using capo to change the music around. If this doesn't suit you just ignore the capo sign and play as normal.
I apologize for the inconvenience it caused you.
@meaccionguitar 5 years ago
I think you did a great job on this tablature. But as an ending i belive that it sounds great with a: E||----------------| B||---0------------| G||---2------------| D||---2------------| A||----------------| E||----------------| I understand if you want to stay true to the song, because it is already amazing. But its just so it dosnt stop as "hard" in lack of a better word.
@kshark12 5 years ago