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Cavern of Absor



Tabber: auriplane

Composer: Fumihito Kasatani, Nobuyuki Aoshima

Style: Transcription

Instrument: Bass

3050 views 16 years ago

                      Zeliard - Cavern of Absor BASS TAB
                Song by Fumihito Kasatani & Nobuyuki Aoshima

                   Tabbed by auriplane ([email protected])

This is the song for level 8, called the Cavern of Absor, from
Zeliard.  This song used to make me cry--I don't know why.

I usually prefer to space everything proportionately and leave out
rhythm markers, because they just confuse me.  But in this one, I put
them in because the rhythm is just too weird :-)

    Repeat 3x:       (5/4 time)

   T T T Q     Q     Q     Q
G |------------------------------|
D |0---0h3-----0-----3-----5-----|
A |------------------------------|
E |------------------------------|

    Don't repeat:    (2/4 time)
   E   E   S S S S
G |----------------|----------------|
D |0---0---0h2h3h5-|----------------|
A |----------------|----------------|
E |----------------|----------------|

    Repeat 11x:
   E   E.    E   S  E   E.    E.     E   E.    E   S  E   E.    E.  
G |----------------|----------------|----------------|----------------|
D |7---0-----5---0-|3---------------|5---------5-----|7---3-----5-----|
A |----------------|----3-----0-----|----3---------3-|----------------|
E |----------------|----------------|----------------|----------------|

    Don't repeat:

   E   E.    E   S  E   E.    E.     E   E.    E   S  E   E.    E.  
G |----------------|----------------|----------------|----------------|
D |3---------3-----|3---0-----3-----|5---------5-----|5---2-----5-----|
A |----2---------2-|----------------|----3---------3-|----------------|
E |----------------|----------------|----------------|----------------|

   E   E.    E   S  E   E.    E.     E   E.    E   S  E   E 
G |----------------|----------------|----------------|----------------|
D |7---0-----5---0-|3---------------|5---------5-----|7---3-----------|
A |----------------|----3-----0-----|----3---------3-|----------------|
E |----------------|----------------|----------------|-------(move up-|
                                                              the neck)
    Repeat 2x:                             

   E   S S E   S S  E   S S E   S S  E   S S E   S S  E   S S E   S S  
G |----------------|----------------|----------------|----------------|
D |----------------|----------------|----------------|----------------|
A |----------------|----------------|----------------|----------------|
E |13--131313--1313|13--131313--1313|13--131313--1313|13--131313--1313|

   E   S S E   S S  E   S S E   S S  E   S S E   S S  E   S S E   S S  
G |----------------|----------------|----------------|----------------|
D |----------------|----------------|----------------|----------------|
A |12--121212--1212|12--121212--1212|12--121212--1212|12--121212--1212|
E |----------------|----------------|----------------|----------------|

   E   S S E   S S  E   S S E   S S  E   S S E   S S  E   S S E   S S  
G |----------------|----------------|----------------|----------------|
D |----------------|----------------|----------------|----------------|
A |13--131313--1313|13--131313--1313|13--131313--1313|13--131313--1313|
E |----------------|----------------|----------------|----------------|

    1st ending:

   E   S S E   S S  E   S S E   S S  E   S S E   S S  E   S S S S S S  
G |----------------|----------------|----------------|----------------|
D |----------------|----------------|----------------|----------------|
A |----------------|----------------|----------------|----------1312--|
E |13--131313--1313|13--131313--1313|13--131313--1313|13--131313----15|

    2nd ending:  (3/4 time)

   T  T  T  T  T  T  S S  E
G |14-12-10------------------|
D |---------14-12-10------11\0   <- Slide takes an eighth note
A |------------------1212----|
E |--------------------------|

    On this last note, you slide back to the beginning and play again.

Here is the "legend" for note rhythms (modeled after the ones I see on
all those tabs on GameTabs):

    Q       Quarter note
    E       Eighth note
    S       Sixteenth note
    T       Triplet

    Q.      Dotted quarter note
    E.      Dotted eighth note