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The Dawn Will Come - Dragon Age: Inquisition Guitar Transcription Composer: Trevor Morris Tabber: SpectreAgent
Ratings 1 Favorites 2 Views 18,806
The Day After - Final Fantasy VI Guitar Arrangement, Fingerstyle Composer: Nobuo Uematsu Tabber: thedstring
Ratings 4 Favorites 6 Views 5,177
The Day After (Hashel Version) - Final Fantasy VI Guitar, Bass Arrangement, 2 or more instruments Composer: Nobuo Uematsu Tabber: hashel
Favorites 1 Views 2,086
The Day the World Revived - Chrono Trigger Guitar Transcription, Fingerstyle Composer: Noriko Matsueda, Yasunori Mitsuda, Nobuo Uematsu Tabber: Juja
Ratings 1 Favorites 2 Views 10,300
The Day the World Revived - Chrono Trigger Guitar Arrangement, Fingerstyle Composer: Noriko Matsueda, Yasunori Mitsuda, Nobuo Uematsu Tabber: TheDoomOfAllFires
Ratings 8 Favorites 10 Views 13,637
The Day You and the Sun Died - Highschool of the Dead Guitar Transcription Composer: Maon Kurosaki Tabber: StrangeJam
Ratings 1 Views 18,123
The Decisive Battle - Final Fantasy V Guitar Arrangement, Fingerstyle Composer: Nobuo Uematsu Tabber: Omnicide
Ratings 6 Favorites 3 Views 6,599
The Decisive Battle - Final Fantasy V Guitar Transcription Composer: Nobuo Uematsu Tabber: BacardiBreezer
Views 5,519
The Decisive Battle - Final Fantasy V Bass Transcription Composer: Nobuo Uematsu Tabber: auriplane
Views 4,737
The Decisive Battle - Final Fantasy VI Guitar Transcription, 2 or more instruments Composer: Nobuo Uematsu Tabber: chiqueto_x
Ratings 5 Views 9,038
The Decisive Battle - Final Fantasy VI Bass Transcription Composer: Nobuo Uematsu Tabber: chiqueto_x
Views 4,965
The Decisive Battle - Final Fantasy VI Guitar Transcription, Alternate picking Composer: Nobuo Uematsu Tabber: BacardiBreezer
Ratings 2 Favorites 1 Views 9,169
The Decisive Battle - Final Fantasy VI Guitar Arrangement, Fingerstyle Composer: Nobuo Uematsu Tabber: TrangOul
Ratings 17 Favorites 32 Views 46,264
The Decisive Battle - Final Fantasy VI Guitar Arrangement, Fingerstyle Composer: Nobuo Uematsu Tabber: TheDoomOfAllFires
Ratings 8 Favorites 17 Views 20,712
The Decisive Battle - Final Fantasy VI Transcription Composer: Nobuo Uematsu Tabber: auriplane
Ratings 1 Favorites 2 Views 16,115
The Deep Forest (Cursed) - Tomba! 2: The Evil Swine Return Guitar Arrangement, Fingerstyle Composer: Ashif Hakik, Masaya Hiraoka Tabber: JordanVS
Ratings 2 Favorites 2 Views 3,784
The Demon God II - Princess Mononoke Guitar Arrangement, Fingerstyle Composer: Joe Hisaishi Tabber: Basisti94
Ratings 4 Favorites 5 Views 6,025
The Demon's Dead - Doom 2 Guitar Transcription Composer: Bobby Prince Tabber: archard
Ratings 2 Favorites 1 Views 18,652
The Demon's Dead - Doom 2 Bass Transcription Composer: Bobby Prince Tabber: archard
Views 5,538
The Destined Child - Breath of Fire II Guitar Transcription, 2 or more instruments Composer: Yuko Takehara Tabber: iamHoustonian
Favorites 1 Views 3,457
The Dike - The Witcher Guitar Arrangement, Fingerstyle, Natural harmonics, Artificial harmonics, Tremolo Composer: Adam Skorupa, Pawel Blaszczak Tabber: Bhael
Ratings 7 Favorites 4 Views 6,159
The Distance Between Us - Yosuga no Sora Guitar Arrangement, Fingerstyle Composer: Bruno Wen-Li, Manabu Miwa Tabber: scarecrowlol
Ratings 2 Views 1,342
The Dragonborn Comes - The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Guitar Transcription, Arrangement, Fingerstyle Composer: Jeremy Soule Tabber: laoise
Ratings 11 Favorites 34 Views 448,150
The Dragon Spreads Its Wings - Final Fantasy V Guitar Arrangement, Fingerstyle, Natural harmonics Composer: Nobuo Uematsu Tabber: Kabukibear
Ratings 7 Favorites 9 Views 8,914
The Dragon Spreads Its Wings - Final Fantasy V Bass Transcription Composer: Nobuo Uematsu Tabber: auriplane
Favorites 1 Views 3,458
The Dreadful Battle - Final Fantasy IV Guitar, Bass Transcription, 2 or more instruments Composer: Nobuo Uematsu Tabber: auriplane
Ratings 3 Favorites 2 Views 9,491
The Dreadful Battle - Final Fantasy IV Guitar Transcription Composer: Nobuo Uematsu Tabber: deleted
Favorites 2 Views 8,104
The Dream to be a Sky Pirate - Final Fantasy XII Guitar Arrangement, Fingerstyle Composer: Nobuo Uematsu, Hitoshi Sakimoto Tabber: Basisti94
Ratings 2 Favorites 5 Views 5,432
The Dream Will Never Die - Tales of Phantasia Guitar Arrangement, Fingerstyle, 2 or more instruments Composer: Motoi Sakuraba, Shinji Tamura Tabber: TrangOul
Ratings 5 Favorites 2 Views 8,032
The Druid Grove - Baldurs Gate II: Shadows of Amn Guitar Arrangement, Fingerstyle Composer: Michael Hoenig Tabber: Bhael
Ratings 8 Favorites 5 Views 8,088